Aegis Combat System


 Aegis Common Source Library (CSL) enables customers to rapidly integrate new capabilities across the fleet in a “build once, use many times” framework. Aegis CSL can be used across a variety of ship classes and land-based systems to perform a wide range of missions. Lockheed Martin applies its unique combat system expertise to deliver a combat system capability that supports the diverse missions of the Surface Navy while applying  a common, open architecture across the entire fleet and around the world.

Today, the CSL is used on Aegis Cruisers and Destroyers, Littoral Combat Ships, Coast Guard National Security Cutters and Offshore Patrol Vessels, Aegis Ashore and is planned for Frigate, Canadian Surface Combatant, and the Saudi Multi-Mission Surface Combatant. Aegis allies have grown to include Japan, Canada, Norway, Korea, Spain, and Australia. These international partners are currently building ships that will draw from the CSL to support their mission on Frigates and Destroyers.                                                                                                                                      

Aegis CSL enhances life cycle affordability by reducing costs for development,  integration, and test through extensive commonality and reuse.  The CSL is moving toward more rapid fielding of capability and enabling early collection of data required for training, tactics development and certification.

CSL has established the commonality essential to an integrated combat system and is facilitating greater interoperability across the fleet, reduced training costs and improved flexibility in crew assignments.

The CSL is designed to deliver total combat system performance through its evolved architecture.  It delivers capability TODAY and is flexible to grow with the demands of an ever-changing environment.

copied by lockheed martin web.


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